Wisconsin-based S&B Lawn Systems, Inc. was launched in 2008, by two Milwaukee-area entrepreneurs who had a passion for lawn and stripes. The idea was hatched when one of the founders became a new homeowner and had a lawn of his own to maintain. Inspired by the impressive patterns in the grass and turf of major league ballparks and golf courses, he searched for a striping attachment for his push mower. After purchasing an online product, which was difficult to install, quickly broke and voided the mower warranty – he began to construct prototypes for the Lawn Stryper® in his garage.
Within weeks he was attracting the attention of neighbors and friends, one who eventually became his partner as they refined the Lawn Stryper® prototypes and secured the capital needed to launch S&B Lawn Systems.
Today thousands of lawn care enthusiasts across the country have transformed their properties with the Lawn Stryper® Lawn Striping System, creating their own unique eye-catching patterns and swearing never to return to an ordinary-looking lawn.
S&B Lawn Systems is thankful, and grateful to all our customers along with those that have supported us over the years. Without you, we would not be able to continue our mission, and belief, that Every Lawn Deserves Stripes.
Stripe On!
S&B Lawn Systems is proudly headquartered in Wisconsin, USA